Print Cultures before the Post-Colonial Era: The Miscellany
Workshop of the International Research Network on Postcolonial Print Cultures (IRNPPC)
Venue: University of Chicago Paris Center, 6 Rue Thomas Man, Paris 75013, France
Dates: 18 – 19 January 2024
Sponsors: Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS); University of Chicago, International Institute of Research in Paris Faculty Grant Program; University of Chicago Nicholson Center.
DAY 1 Thursday, 18 January
1230-1330h Lunch
1400- 1530h Printing Presses
Moderator: Eve Tignol (CNRS)
Ulrike Stark (University of Chicago): Majestic Patronage: Muslim and Christian Printing at the Lucknow Royal Press, 1819-1849
Graham Shaw (Institute of English Studies, School of Advanced Study, University of London): Paper Bullets for India
Tea break
1600 – 1800h: Periodicals part 1
Moderator: Paulo Horta (NYU Abu Dhabi)
Rosinka Chaudhuri (Centre for Studies in Social Sciences, Kolkata): The Bengal Spectator Calcutta, 1843
Sara Thornton (Université Paris Cité), Transportation, Timelapse and Local and Global Reportage: the Case of Punch, or the Sydney Charivari in 1857
Benedetta Zaccarello (CNRS): Arya – revue de synthèse philosophique (1914-1920)
Drinks/ dinner
DAY 2 Friday, 19 January
930-1100h Periodicals part 2
Moderator: Álvaro Luna Dubois (NYU Abu Dhabi)
Laetitia Zecchini (CNRS), Worldliness as Critique: The Cut-and-paste Activism of The Indian PEN (30s-50s)
Neelam Srivastava (University of Newcastle), A Partisan Press: Sylvia Pankhurst’s Broadsheet New Times and Ethiopia News
Coffee break
1130 – 1300h Annuals
Moderator: Todd Porterfield (NYU)
Jonathan Sachs (Concordia University): Forget Me Not from 1830.
Charlotte Cary Beckett (University of Chicago): Re-printing “Recollections”: the Uneven Terrain of Susanna Moodie’s Settler Sketches
1300-1400h lunch
1430 – 1600h Miscellaneous Form 1
Moderator: Will Slauter (Sorbonne)
Priyasha Mukhopadhyay (Yale University): Graphic Data in the Report of the Bombay Plague Committee (1898)
Josephine McDonagh (University of Chicago): Displaced Children in Colonial Print Miscellanies (ca 1820s and 1830s)
Tea break
1630 – 1800 h Miscellaneous Form 2
Moderator: Estelle Murail (Catholic University of Paris)
Mark Turner (King’s College London): Extractive Miscellaneity and the Launch of Australian Serial Print (ca. 1820s)
Coraline Jortay (CNRS): Entanglements between gender representations and typographical materiality in the Sinosphere in the 1920s and 1930s
1800h End of Workshop Drinks